Meals & Menus

Nourishing your child's growth and development

At Jane's Place ELC we cater for breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and a late snack. Our qualified chef prepares and cooks all our meals and snacks on the premises daily.

This allows us to provide delicious meals of a high nutritional value covering the required amounts from all food groups.
We provide high-quality meats and fresh produce to our children. 

We cater for special dietary requirements, allergies and food intolerances in conjunction with each family’s input. 

kids Early Learning centre
Child skill Developing Centre

What’s included in your daily fees:

+ 5 nutritious meals and snacks prepared fresh daily 

+ All meals prepared with high-quality ingredients by our in-house highly qualified chef

+ Some fresh herbs and veggies are picked straight from our garden

We are fortunate to have our herb and vegetable garden supply the kitchen with some of the ingredients included in the children’s daily meals. 

The children’s involvement in growing, caring and harvesting these ingredients supports healthy eating habits and allows children to make connections between themselves, their homes, nature and their communities.

We support mothers who wish to breastfeed at the centre and offer a quiet relaxing place with a comfortable chair for mothers to breastfeed.