The Indoor Play & Learning Environments

Our centres are well-resourced, with specialised learning equipment that fosters and supports your child’s developing skills and interests.


The indoor environment has been divided into different learning spaces which allow children to develop their own strengths and abilities at an individual level, whilst being guided by their teachers. 

The indoor play and learning environments provide the children with a secure place to carry out their learning and exploration while taking ownership of their environment. 


Our Rooms

We have four specifically designed rooms catering to the ages and needs of the children:


The homely and nurturing environments initially focus on settling-in each child. This is a priority in the early days of your child’s care and will vary according to each child, and their needs. We believe a settled child is a relaxed child, allowing them to reach their potential while feeling fully supported in all aspects of their development. This fosters their own self-esteem and self-confidence. 

This caring and relaxed environment enhances all key areas of your child’s development, and most importantly supports the development of friendships and empathy in a caring environment. 

The interest-based/educator-guided programs that flow through the rooms are extended in the Wallaby Room which it is supported by our School Readiness Programs.

Across all rooms, we actively seek to support our children’s curiosity and expose them to opportunities to explore, investigate and experiment through our STEM Curriculum.

In addition, we offer an additional creative expression program. This program allows us to offer incursions where we invite specialists into the centre who may offer, but are not limited to, music, drama, yoga, specialist art programs and gross motor movement experiences.

The children may participate in excursions in all areas of interest to expand their everyday experiences and expose them to opportunities in the broader community.

 About each room

Indoor Play & Learning

Possum Room | 6 weeks-2 years old

Our Possum Room is designed to support the growth and development of children aged 6 weeks to 2 years old

Our Educators assist with each child’s learning and discovery through interest-play-based activities which encourage investigation and exploration. 

Possum Room, children learn new skills each day through interactions and experiences with their educators and peers. These include, but not limited to sitting up, crawling, walking, grasping, throwing, turn-taking, responding to their name, babbling, talking, mark making, painting, and singing, just to name a few.

  • — A secure and comforting indoor play space

    — A calm and relaxed cot room creating a warm and tranquil space for rest time

    — A village-like, purpose-built outdoor area catering for babies and toddlers to expand on their gross motor development and independence

    — Nurturing, experienced and highly trained educators who guide and expand on each child’s interests through meaningful play

  • — All meals and snacks catering for special dietary requirements, allergies and food intolerances in conjunction with each family’s input

    — Nappies and wipes

    cot sheets

  • $174.00 per day

    Fees are paid weekly in advance through the Xplor app.

Learning Environments

Koala Room | 2-3 years old

The homely and nurturing environments of the 2 to 3 year old Koala Room are initially geared towards the settling-in and socialisation of each child. The priorities in the early days of your child’s care will vary according to individual needs.

Our program focuses on your child’s Social, Emotional and Personal Development, fostering self-esteem and self-confidence and, most importantly, supporting the development of friendships and empathy in a caring environment. Our play space is committed to expanding ways of thinking through fun-filled child-led experiences with free-flowing indoor and outdoor play.

  • — A secure and home like indoor play space that allows the fostering of independence and self-help skills through child led/teacher guided educational experiences

    — Free-flowing areas to incorporate the village atmosphere outdoors

    — Nurturing, experienced and highly trained educators specialising in the 2-3 age group

    — Encouragement of each child’s consistently curious mind and extending this curiosity through their play both indoors and outdoors

    — Nurturing empathy with each child both individually and as a group

  • — All meals and snacks catering for special dietary requirements, allergies and food intolerances in conjunction with each family’s input

    — Nappies and wipes

  • $168.00 per day

    Fees are paid weekly in advance through the Xplor app.

Platypus Room

Platypus Room | 3-4 years old

Our Platypus Room has been designed to support the growth and development of children aged 3 years to 4 years old. Our Pre-Kindergarten environment provides stimulation for your child’s physical, social, emotional, cognitive and language skills.

Our environment and curriculum are designed to promote children’s interests by creating optimal learning spaces with free-flowing indoor and outdoor areas. We follow the guidelines set out through the EYLF (Early Years Learning Framework) and encourage child-led ideas and experiences which we then extend and scaffold creating the best learning outcomes.

  • — An inviting and homely indoor play space which allows the younger of our Pre School rooms to expand on their inquisitive thoughts and actions

    — Passionate, experienced and highly trained educators who engage each child both individually and in groups through their interests

    — Many opportunities to explore the educator-guided activities and experiences through the child-led observations

    — Encouragement to further develop a child’s self-help, self-worth, empathy, independence and reasoning skills prior to them entering our Pre School Room

    — The extension of the home-like environment outside offers a unique local village space

  • All meals and snacks catering for special dietary requirements, allergies and food intolerances in conjunction with each family’s input.

  • $162.00 per day

    Fees are paid weekly in advance through the Xplor app.

Wallaby Room

Wallaby Room | 4-6 years old

Our Wallaby Room environment and curriculum are specially designed to provide children with the skills required to enter formal schooling.

Our Wallaby Room is for children aged 4 years to 6 years old. During their time in the Pre School Room, each child will further increase their independence in all learning outcomes through their child-led/educator-guided experiences and activities. The guidelines in the EYLF (Early Years Learning Framework) scaffold our curriculum to create the best learning outcomes.

  • — A secure and comforting indoor play space

    — A challenging but achievable experiences to foster each child’s development and self-worth

    — Free-flowing play into our unique outdoor village environment where the local and broader community play is enhanced

    — School readiness activities led by the child and guided by the educator

    — Nurturing, experienced and highly trained educators to initiate each child’s individual learning journey

  • All meals and snacks catering for special dietary requirements, allergies and food intolerances in conjunction with each family’s input.

  • $162.00 per day

    Fees are paid weekly in advance through the Xplor app.

 Transitioning between rooms


At Jane’s place, we aim to ensure room transitions are a positive experience for your child.

Leading up to your child’s birthday, educators from both rooms begin to discuss and develop your child’s transition program. We will discuss and develop this transition period with you. This process will be guided by your child’s readiness to transition.

Childcare Subsidy Calculator

Child Care Subsidy is available and eligible parents/guardians are required to contact Centrelink.

For more information on the Child Care Subsidy, please visit or phone 13 28 61